Suicide Prevention Week 2024 at Storrs
September 8 - 14, 2024
All Week | 10am-4pm: Field of Memories
hosted by Student Health and Wellness and UConn Active Minds
1100 flags representing college student suicide deaths will be placed on the lawn. UConn Active Minds will be present to offer information about mental health and suicide prevention.
Demystify SHaW Tours | Mon-Fri; 4 -5 pm | SHaW Hilda May Williams Building
Stop by between 4-5pm during SPW week to tour our building and discover the many services available to support your well-being during your time on campus.
hosted by SHaW
Stop by Homer Babbidge Library and take a moment to check out the resources available to bring awareness to the battle against suicide and how we can all help save lives in our community. We have wellness-related resources, collection materials, and activities to show we care.
hosted by UConn Library
9/8 Sunday:
2 pm | Field of Memories followed by Paint Spirit Rock | Outside the Student Union on Fairfield Way
hosted byActive Minds
9/9 Monday:
Let's Talk | 11:15 am - 12:15 pm | Student Union Room 416A
hosted by SHaW
Intro to Mindfulness | 1 pm - 2 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
Meditation Monday | 4 pm - 5 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
9/10 Tuesday:
Prioritizing Your Mental Health | 10 am - 2 pm | Homer Babbidge Library, Plaza Level
hosted by UConn Library
Intro to Mindfulness | 1 pm - 2 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
9/11 Wednesday:
Prioritizing Your Mental Health | 10 am - 2 pm | Homer Babbidge Library, Plaza Level
hosted by UConn Library
Intro to Mindfulness | 1 pm - 2 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
9/12 Thursday:
Prioritizing Your Mental Health | 10 am - 2 pm | Homer Babbidge Library, Plaza Level
hosted by UConn Library
Student Health and Wellness Fair | 9:30 am - 2 pm | Fairfield Way
Let's Talk | 9:30 am - 10:45 am | Student Union Room 416A
hosted by SHaW
Intro to Mindfulness | 1 pm - 2 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
Let's Talk | 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm | Hilda May Williams room 116
hosted by SHaW
Stomp Out the Stigma Walk featuring Tildy and Jazmine | 5 pm | Fairfield Way
hosted by Public Safety
9/13 Friday:
Let's Talk | 11 am - 12 pm | Arjona 4th floor room 403
hosted by SHaW
Fresh Check Day 2024
Fresh Check Day is a mental health promotion and suicide prevention fair that consists of interactive expo booths, peer-to-peer messaging, support of multiple campus departments and groups, free food, entertainment, and giveaways.
Volunteer to be a part of UConn's Fresh Check Day!
Fresh Check Day at Waterbury, Tuesday, April 2nd
Fresh Check Day at Avery Point, Thursday, April 18th
Fresh Check Day at Hartford, Thursday, April 18th
Fresh Check Day at Storrs, Saturday, April 20th.
Fresh Check Day at Stamford, Tuesday, April 9th
2024 Participating Booths:
Nine Out of Ten
This booth focuses on suicide prevention directly, empowering students to act as gatekeepers for their peers and teaching them how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide.
Sponsored by: SHaW Mental Health
Check in Chill Out
Check In Chill Out emphasizes that checking in with your mental health is just as important as checking in with your physical health – stress management and coping strategies.
Sponsored by: SHaW Mental Health
Know Your Limit
This booth promotes alcohol safety and awareness of the signs of alcohol misuse or dependence in oneself or others and provides resources that can help.
Sponsored by: UCPD & Facility Dogs
YOUnique promotes positive body image, brings awareness to the prevalence of disordered eating on college campuses, and educates students on how to help themselves or a friend who may be struggling.
Sponsored by: Student Services, CAPS, Athletics
Mood Matters
This booth raises awareness of anxiety and mood disorders including depression and bipolar d/o.
Uplift promotes self-care and wellness and helps students find coping strategies that work for them.
Sponsored by: Women's Center
Paint Your Art Out
This booth focuses on the therapeutic and mental health benefits of art and creativity and how they can serve as protective coping strategies.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness- Health Promotion team
It Takes A Village
This booth builds social networks and a sense of connection, acknowledging that getting involved in your community can be a protective factor against suicide.
Sponsored by: SHaW Health Promotion team
Boost is focused on physical activity which has positive mental health benefits and encourages students to find physical activities to engage in that they enjoy.
Sponsored by: Homer Babbidge Library
Thrive focuses on your strengths and embracing a positive attitude which can better equip you to thrive in your environment, and how recognizing what you have to be grateful for can positively affect your mental health.
Sponsored by: Center for International Students and Scholars (CISS)
Be Yourself
Be Yourself promotes self-acceptance and acceptance of others for who they are and provides information on risk and protective factors for the LGBTQ+ community.
Sponsored by: SHaW Medical Care team, Rainbow Center, Asian American Cultural Center
Rise Up
Rise Up brings awareness to the mental health effects that often follow sexual assault. It empowers bystanders and addresses the impact of victim-blaming and language.
Words Matter (Elephant in the Room)
Words Matter focuses on how a lack of awareness and stigma or misunderstanding can lead some people to keep their feelings and experiences secret and in fear of being shamed or judged and brings these topics to light.
UBELONG raises awareness of the challenges students face and the resources available to them in their lives and around campus to help them manage stress caused by challenges so they can effectively manage stress and thrive.
Sponsored by: SHaW Mental Health team
At Ease
At Ease educates students about the unique challenges that their service member peers may face and provides resources for student service members.
Sponsored by: VAMP/Veterans
In it for Life
Challenges participants attending Fresh Check Day to BE ALL IN!
Sponsored by: Active Minds, PORCO Foundation
Suicide Prevention Week 2023
September 10 - 15, 2023
All Week | 10am-4pm: Field of Memories on the Student Union Entrance, beginning of Fairfield Way
hosted by Student Health and Wellness and UConn Active Minds
1100 flags representing college student suicide deaths will be placed on the lawn. UConn Active Minds will be present to offer information about mental health and suicide prevention.
9/10 Sunday:
2 pm | Field of Memories followed by Paint Spirit Rock | Outside the Student Union on Fairfield Way
hosted by Active Minds
9/11 Monday:
11am-12:30pm | Let's Talk | Student Union Room 416A
hosted by SHaW
1pm-2pm | Intro to Mindfulness | Arjona 4th floor
hosted by SHaW
9/12 Tuesday:
1pm-2pm | Intro to Mindfulness | Arjona 4th floor
1pm-2:30pm | Let's Talk | Student Union Room 431
5pm-6:30pm | SUBOG Speaker Nic Sheff | Student Union Theater
hosted by SUBOB, Nic Sheff will be sharing his inspiring story of substance use and recovery that is deeply rooted in mental illness.
5pm-7pm | Pet Therapy | SHaW Cordial Storrs House
hosted by SHaW
9/13 Wednesday:
1pm-2pm | Intro to Mindfulness | Arjona 4th floor
4pm | Stomp Out the Stigma Walk featuring Tildy and Carson | Fairfield Way Canceled due to weather.
9/14 Thursday:
9:30am-2pm | SHaW Health and Wellness Fair | Fairfield Way
9:30am-11am | Let's Talk | Student Union, Room 416A
1pm-2pm | Intro to Mindfulness | Arjona 4th floor
1pm-2:30pm | Let's Talk | SHaW Hilda May Williams
5pm | SUBOG showing of Beautiful Boy, a major motion picture based on Nic Sheff’s journey | Student Union Theater
9/15 Friday:
11am-12pm | Let's Talk | Arjona 4th Floor
9/27 Wednesday:
5pm-8pm | Food is Love | ODI Commons
Food is an opportunity to communicate love and community. Share feel good stories and traditions with food in our cultures. Discuss how to use these positive feelings and memories when we need them most.
hosted by SHaW and the Asian American Culture Center
Fresh Check Day 2023
Fresh Check Day at Waterbury, Tuesday, April 11th
Fresh Check Day at Stamford, Wednesday, April 19th
Fresh Check Day at Avery Point, Thursday, April 20th
Fresh Check Day at Hartford, Thursday, April 20th
Fresh Check Day at Storrs, Saturday, April 22nd
2023 Participating Booths:
Nine Out of Ten
This booth focuses on suicide prevention directly, empowering students to act as gatekeepers for their peers and teaching them how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide.
Check in Chill Out
Check In Chill Out emphasizes that checking in with your mental health is just as important as checking in with your physical health – stress management and coping strategies.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness Mental Health services and Active Minds
Know Your Limit
This booth promotes alcohol safety and awareness of the signs of alcohol misuse or dependence in oneself or others and provides resources that can help.
Sponsored by: UCPD & Facility Dogs
YOUnique promotes positive body image, brings awareness to the prevalence of disordered eating on college campuses, and educates students on how to help themselves or a friend who may be struggling.
Sponsored by: CLAS, SSS
Mood Matters
This booth raises awareness of anxiety and mood disorders including depression and bipolar d/o.
Uplift promotes self-care and wellness and helps students find coping strategies that work for them.
Sponsored by: International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
Paint Your Art Out
This booth focuses on the therapeutic and mental health benefits of art and creativity and how they can serve as protective coping strategies.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness' Health Promotion team
It Takes A Village
This booth builds social networks and a sense of connection, acknowledging that getting involved in your community can be a protective factor against suicide.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness' Medical Care team
Boost is focused on physical activity which has positive mental health benefits and encourages students to find physical activities to engage in that they enjoy.
Sponsored by: UConn Yoga Club
Thrive focuses on your strengths and embracing a positive attitude which can better equip you to thrive in your environment, and how recognizing what you have to be grateful for can positively affect your mental health.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness' Mental Health team
Be Yourself
Be Yourself promotes self-acceptance and acceptance of others for who they are and provides information on risk and protective factors for the LGBTQ+ community.
Words Matter
This event focuses on how a lack of awareness and stigma or misunderstanding can lead some people to keep their feelings and experiences secret and in fear of being shamed or judged and brings these topics to light
Sponsored by:
Rise Up
Rise Up brings awareness to the mental health effects that often follow sexual assault. It empowers bystanders and addresses the impact of victim-blaming and language.
Words Matter (Elephant in the Room)
Words Matter focuses on how a lack of awareness and stigma or misunderstanding can lead some people to keep their feelings and experiences secret and in fear of being shamed or judged and brings these topics to light.
UBELONG raises awareness of the challenges students face and the resources available to them in their lives and around campus to help them manage stress caused by challenges so they can effectively manage stress and thrive.
Sponsored by:
At Ease
At Ease educates students about the unique challenges that their service member peers may face and provides resources for student service members.
Sponsored by: VAMP
Suicide Prevention Week 2022
We are Stronger Together!
Print out (here).pdf or create your own sign of kindness to promote suicide prevention!
Hosted by SSS
9/18 - 9/25 All Week 10am-4pm: Field of Memories on the Student Union Entrance, beginning of Fairfield Way
hosted by Student Health and Wellness and UConn Active Minds
1100 flags representing college student suicide deaths will be placed on the lawn. UConn Active Minds will be present to offer information about mental health and suicide prevention.
9/18 – Sunday : Paint the Spirit Rock
hosted by Active Minds
9/19– 11am-12:30pm: Let's Talk, Student Union Room 416A
9/19- 1pm-2pm: Into to Mindfulness, Arjona 4th floor-hosted by SHaW
*Introduction to Mindfulness is a skill-based workshop meant to support stress reduction and overall wellbeing.
9/20- Waterbury Health Fair
9/20 1pm-2pm: Into to Mindfulness, Arjona 4th floor hosted by SHaW
*Introduction to Mindfulness is a skill-based workshop meant to support stress reduction and overall wellbeing.
9/20 1pm-2pm, Let's Talk, Hilda May Williams Building
9/20 Out of the Darkness Walk- 6:30PM Meet outside of the Rec Center - Registration Required- hosted by Active Minds
9/21 Friends of Recovery
9/21 Let's Talk, Virtual 1pm-3pm
9/21 – Wednesday 4:30pm-6:30pm: Pet Therapy SHaW Wilson Hall room 126
hosted by SHaW *Stop in for pet therapy love!
9/21 6pm-7:30PM - SUBOG speaker Marisa Renee Lee
9/22 Recovery Yoga
9/22 Let's Talk 11:00am-12:30pm, Student Union, Room 416A
9/23 Let's Talk, Arjona 4th Floor 11:00am-12pm
9/23 Dear Evan Hanson Screening, Student Union Theater, 6pm-7:30pm
9/23 12 Step Meeting
9/24 Recovery Walks Event
9/24 Dear Evan Hanson Screening, Student Union Theater, 6pm-7:30pm
9/24 Dear Evan Hanson Screening, Student Union Theater, 6pm-7:30pm
Fresh Check Week 2022
We are Stronger Together!
Fresh Check Day at Waterbury, Tuesday, April 5th
Fresh Check Day at Avery Point, Thursday, April 14th; 11am - 1pm
Fresh Check Day at Storrs, Saturday, April 23rd; 1 - 4pm:
Stomp Out The Stigma Walk- Postponed to rain date: 4/20
Tuesday, April 19th
4 PM - 5 PM
Rain date: Wednesday, April 20th, 4pm
As part of Fresh Check Day, you are invited to walk two miles in order to STOMP out the Stigma that can be associated with mental illness and suicide. Together, we will walk in solidarity to raise awareness about the importance about talking about and caring for college student mental health. The two mile on-campus loop will include a walk with UCPD’s Justin Cheney and Tildy! If you haven’t met Tildy yet, come meet another lovable UConn pup.
To register for the in-person walk,sign up here.Please read and sign the Participant Acknowledgement of Risk and Liability Release form and bring it to the walk.
Link to register:
Participating Booths
Nine Out of Ten
This event focuses on suicide prevention directly, empowering students to act as gatekeepers for their peers and teaching them how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide.
Check in Chill Out
Check In Chill Out mphasizes that checking in with your mental health is just as important as checking in with your physical health – stress management and coping strategies.
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness Mental Health services and Active Minds
Know Your Limit
This event promotes alcohol safety and awareness of the signs of alcohol misuse or dependence in oneself or others and provides resources that can help.
Sponsored by: UCPD & Facility Dogs
Younique promotes positive body image, brings awareness to the prevalence of disordered eating on college campuses, and educates students on how to help themselves or a friend who may be struggling.
Sponsored by: CLAS ASC Becky Bacher
Mood Matters
This event raises awareness of anxiety and mood disorders including depression and bipolar d/o.
Paint Your Art Out
This event focuses on the therapeutic and MH benefits of art and creativity and how they can serve as protective coping strategies.
Thrive focuses on your strengths and embracing a positive attitude which can better equip you to thrive in your environment, and how recognizing what you have to be grateful for can positively affect your mental health.
Sponsored by: International Student and Scholar Services
Boost is focused on physical activity which has positive mental health benefits and encourages students to find physical activities to engage in that they enjoy.
Sponsored by: SHaW Health Promotion and AsACC
Uplift promotes self-care and wellness and helps students find coping strategies that work for them.
Sponsored by: SHaW Medical Care services
100 Reasons
100 Reasons challenges students to think about their own reasons to stay alive and inspire others to find theirs. It instills a sense of hope and provides resources and information on how to help a friend who is thinking about suicide.
Sponsored by: Kathy Fischer - Women’s Center
It Takes A Village
This event builds social networks and a sense of connection, acknowledging that getting involved in your community can be a protective factor against suicide.
Be Yourself
Be Yourself promotes self-acceptance and acceptance of others for who they are and provides information on risk and protective factors for the LGBTQ+ community.
Words Matter
This event focuses on how a lack of awareness and stigma or misunderstanding can lead some people to keep their feelings and experiences secret and in fear of being shamed or judged and brings these topics to light
Sponsored by: Student Health and Wellness
Rise Up
Rise Up brings awareness to the mental health effects that often follow sexual assault. It empowers bystanders and addresses the impact of victim-blaming and language.
UBELONG Raises awareness of the challenges students face and the resources available to them in their lives and around campus to help them manage stress caused by challenges so they can effectively manage stress and thrive.
Sponsored by: UConn Faith communities
At Ease
At Ease educates students about the unique challenges that their service member peers may face and provides resources for student service members.
Sponsored by: VAMP
Suicide Prevention Week 2021
We are Stronger Together!
Print out (here).pdf or create your own sign of kindness to promote suicide prevention!
Hosted by SSS
9/27 - 10/1 All Week 10am-4pm: Field of Memories on the Student Union Entrance, beginning of Fairfield Way
hosted by Student Health and Wellness and UConn Active Minds
1100 flags representing college student suicide deaths will be placed on the lawn. UConn Active Minds will be present to offer information about mental health and suicide prevention.
9/23 – Thursday 1pm-3pm: Recovery Ally Training Virtual
hosted by SHaW
The Recovery Ally Training program exists to expand awareness, sensitivity, and support to any individual on the University of Connecticut campuses in (or seeking) recovery from substance use disorders. Recovery Ally Training is delivered in an interactive two-hour session, facilitated by a member of our team or a trained community member.
9/26 – Sunday : Paint the Spirit Rock
hosted by Active Minds
9/27 - Mondays 4pm-5pm: Meditation Monday Virtual
hosted by SHaW
Engage in practices that support mental wellbeing and help build community and connection.
9/27 - 9/29– Monday & Wednesdays 1pm-2pm; Tuesdays & Thursdays 3pm-4pm: Intro to Mindfulness SHaW Arjona room 403
hosted by SHaW
Introduction to Mindfulness is a skill-based workshop meant to support stress reduction and overall wellbeing.
9/27 – Monday 5pm: Forest Bathing forest bathing inspired meditation in the garden behind the Benton Museum
hosted by Asian American Cultural Center, and SHaW
Forest Bathing, a term derived from the Japanese physiological and psychological exercise, shinrin-yoku, bridges the gap between us and the natural world. It is being in nature and connecting with it through our senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Join Nishelli Ahmed, Health Educator from SHaW, in an opportunity to disconnect from tech and reconnect with the natural beauty easily accessible on UConn Storrs’ campus. We suggest wearing comfortable clothes and shoes, putting phones and other electronics on "do not disturb," and bringing something to sit on (yoga mat, blanket, etc.)
9/28 – Tuesday 6pm: Suicide Prevention Week Walk meet outside the Student Union on Fairfield Way (wear yellow!)
hosted by Active Minds
9/28 & 9/30– Tuesdays & Thursdays anytime: Gentle Therapeutic Yoga Virtual
hosted by SHaW
Therapeutic Yoga skillfully blends movement (yoga poses/somatic exploration) and breathwork, with a meditative focus for a full body practice that calms, nurtures, strengthens and opens one into flexibility of body and mind.
9/29 – Wednesday 4:30pm-6:30pm: Pet Therapy SHaW Wilson Hall room 126
hosted by SHaW
Stop in for pet therapy love!
9/29 – Wednesday 6:30pm-8pm: Recovery Yoga UConn Rec
hosted by SHaW
Recovery yoga sessions are for those who struggle with addiction, are affected by a loved one's addiction, and/or support the recovery lifestyle. It combines trusted recovery meeting formats combined with pranayama breathing and vinyasa yoga.
9/30 – Thursday 11am-1pm: What is your Superpower? Student Union
hosted by Dean of Students Office and International Student & Scholar Services
9/30 – Thursday 4pm-6pm: A Deaf Perspective on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Virtual
hosted by University of Connecticut Interpreting Services
A moderated virtual discussion about mental health and intersectionality, from a Deaf perspective. People from marginalized communities experience disproportionate mental health diagnoses, and the suicide rate among these communities reflect similar data. Many of us are members of these groups in some way: we may be Deaf and Hard of Hearing, have visible or invisible disabilities, we may identify as LGBTQ+, or find our BIPOC identities adding to the risk factors we face trying to navigate community and resources. Our goal with this event is to foster conversations about how to tap into existing support networks and build new ones to keep ourselves and those we love safe. Feel free to ask honest questions without fear of reprisal. This is an inclusive space and we welcome all. ASL-English interpreters will interpret between ASL and English so all participants can communicate freely. This event will also be live captioned.
Facebook page:
Zoom registration:
CSD is also collecting anonymous messages of hope from students with disabilities for other students with disabilities! Any student who identifies as having a disability can participate here:
9/30 – Thursday 5pm-7pm: UConn HELPS Women's Center, SU 421
hosted by the Women's Center
9/30 – Thursday 5:30pm-6:20pm: Voices of Students of Color Panel at the African American Cultural Center common room
hosted by African American Cultural Center
At this panel discussion, hear moving stories from UConn students and learn how you can help!
10/1 – Friday 5:30pm-7:30pm: Paint Night
hosted by the Rainbow Center
As Suicide Prevention Month comes to a close and LGBTQ+ History Month starts, the Rainbow Center wants to shed light on the harsh reality that members of our community are at a higher risk for experiencing mental health conditions and suicidal thoughts and/or actions. Art therapy is an experience that uses art materials and the creative process to explore emotions, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and resolve other psychological conflicts. Come join us as we paint our feelings and talk about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention amongst our community. This event is open to people of any and all identities!
10/9 – Saturday 11am-1pm: Out of the Darkness Walk Rockwell Park, Bristol, CT
hosted by Rockwell Park
10/16 – Saturday 10am-12pm: Out of the Darkness Walk
hosted by Active Minds and NAMI
Raise awareness in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Fresh Check Week 2021
Stomp Out The Stigma Walk
Monday, March 15th, 2021
1 PM - 2 PM
The two mile on-campus loop will include a walk with UCPD’s Sgt. Cheney and Tildy! If you haven’t met Tildy yet, come meet another lovable UConn pup. Registration is required for the in-person walk. A virtual option is also available. Meet for the Walk between the School of Business and the Rec Center.
Please understand that masks are required throughout the entire event and adhering to all COVID protocols is still in place. Dairy Bar gift cards will be given to registrants who complete the walk.
Link to register:
Holistic Huskies for Fresh Check Day
Monday, March 15th - Friday March 19th
The Holistic Huskies is a student-made podcast for the UConn community to connect and discuss their trials and tribulations with mental health. The Holistic Huskies want to hear your story and journey with mental health to not only normalize these conversations, but also to empower others to share as well.
All Fresh Check Week events are eligible for wellness points, including listening to a Holistic Huskies Podcast episode. Don't forget to submit for wellness points and earn prizes for your participation!
More info:
Paint Your Art Out for Fresh Check Day
Monday, March 15th, 2021
3:30 PM - 5 PM
Join us for a step-by-step paint (or drawing) session, thanks to a "Muse Paintbar To-Go" video. We will be hosting this as a hybrid event, with space for 20 people in Werth Tower & others virtually.
To reserve an in-person spot:
Link to this meeting:
Guided Meditation inspired by Forest Bathing
Monday, March 15th, 2021
5 PM - 6 PM
Join SHaW health educator Nishelli Ahmed for a guided meditation that is forest bathing inspired! Hosted by SHaW and AsACC for Fresh Check week. No meditation experience required, all are welcome!
Link to this meeting:
Meditation background photos:
Aware About Rare: Student Panel on Rare Diseases and Mental Health
Monday, March 15th, 2021
7 PM - 8 PM
Link to this meeting:
Meeting ID: 120 742 9189 Password: 2TYnC9i4BTX
The Case for Uncertainty
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
9 AM - 10 AM
Research has proposed that the experience of uncertainty and a tendency to avoid uncertain states may play a role in the development of anxiety and mood disorders. This special topic seminar will explore the role of uncertainty in our psychological life. Topics covered will include a brief overview of how the mind attempts to resolve ambiguity, inconsistent thoughts, as well as a discussion on how opening ourselves up to uncertainty may lead to a more enriching psychological life. Approximately 40 minute presentation followed by 10-15 minutes of open time for questions, reactions, and comment.
Link to this meeting:
Password: huskies2021
Be Yourself: BYO Craft Night & Pet Photo Display With The Rainbow Center
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
6 PM - 8 PM
Do you love pets? Do you like crafting? If so, come join the Rainbow Center for Be Yourself: BYO Craft Night & Pet Photo Display!
For this event, we are requesting photo submissions from patrons of their pets in advance of the event through our social media. Once the photo submissions are received, we will then create a slideshow presentation to showcase at our craft night! We encourage folx to bring their own art/crafting supplies and come join us for a night of relaxation! Be Yourself through artistic expression and pet photos!
Link to event:
Meeting ID: 948 2205 4270 Password: xUs71z
Link to photo submission:
No Friend Left Naloxone
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
3 PM - 4 PM
Link to this meeting:
Open Mic
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
6:30 PM - 8 PM
Student Support Services presents an Open Mic Night for ALL UConn students to participate, or just to enjoy! It will be a safe zone for spoken word, song, joke, dance, and sharing your talents. Join us for a fun and uplifting night! We hope to see you there!
Link to event:
We're Not Really Strangers
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
7 PM - 8 PM
We will be playing this game during our weekly Active Minds meeting at 7 pm over Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join! We are excited to see you there!Link to event:
Meeting ID: 998 0301 5200 Passcode: active
Wellness in Color
Friday, March 19th, 2021
10 AM - 4 PM
Instagram stories:
Suicide Prevention Week 2020
Suicide Prevention Week 2020
Print out (here) or create your own sign of kindness to promote suicide prevention!
Hosted by SSS
9/18 - 9/26 All Week: Field of Memories
hosted by Student Health and Wellness and UConn Active Minds
Join the virtual Field of Memories on social media! We encourage you to screen shot @UConnStudentHealth's FOM post, share a message of hope and show your support for suicide prevention by typing on the yellow flag. Tag @UConnStudentHealth & @ActiveMindsUConn and use #UConnSuicidePrevention!
Active Minds is also hosting virtual tabling sessions every day this week from 12-2 pm to support the virtual field of memories! Click here for the Zoom invite. Meeting ID: 937 7736 5669. Passcode: active
9/19, 9/26, 10/3 Saturday's 10am-4pm: Mental Health First Aid Certificate Training
hosted by Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based, national certificate course that teaches participants how to respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. The training teaches skills needed to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis.
Participants will complete a two-step process, comprised of a 2-hour self-paced online class, followed by a 6-hour, instructor-led class on Zoom. The virtual training uses the newly revised curriculum with expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care.
Register here (choose one): September 19th, September 26th, or October 3rd.
9/23 – Wednesday 5pm-6pm: Guided Meditation
hosted by Asian American Cultural Center, and SHaW
Join a guided meditation with SHaW's Health Educator, Nishelli Ahmed
Register here in advance! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
9/24 – Thursday 5pm: Love & Kindness Meditation. Click here to join!
hosted by PRLACC and the Women's Center
Feeling stressed? Tired? Alone? Join the Women's Center & PRLACC for a virtual community meditation session centered on Love & Kindness!
9/24 – Thursday 3pm-5pm: A Deaf Perspective on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
hosted by University of Connecticut Interpreting Services
A moderated virtual discussion about mental health and intersectionality, from a Deaf perspective. People from marginalized communities experience disproportionate mental health diagnoses, and the suicide rate among these communities reflect similar data. Many of us are members of these groups in some way: we may be Deaf and Hard of Hearing, have visible or invisible disabilities, we may identify as LGBTQ+, or find our BIPOC identities adding to the risk factors we face trying to navigate community and resources. Our goal with this event is to foster conversations about how to tap into existing support networks and build new ones to keep ourselves and those we love safe. Feel free to ask honest questions without fear of reprisal. This is an inclusive space and we welcome all. ASL-English interpreters will interpret between ASL and English so all participants can communicate freely. This event will also be live captioned.
Register here in advance! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
9/24 – Thursday 5:30pm: Student Voices Panel at the African American Cultural Center. Click here to join!
hosted by African American Cultural Center
At this virtual panel discussion, hear moving stories from UConn students and learn how you can help!
9/26 – Saturday 12:30pm-2:30pm: Rainbow Hike; Horsebarn Hill
hosted by Rainbow Center
Join the Rainbow Center on it's annual Rainbow Hike around Horsebarn Hill! Registration will be limited to the first 10 people, and masks will be required.
The meeting location will be disclosed in a subsequent email to the 10 registrants. Unfortunately, the limit of 10 is due to the Town of Mansfield's ban on large gatherings.
Registration Link
Suicide Prevention Week 2019
9/22 - 9/28 All Week: Field of Memories on the Student Union Entrance/Lawn
hosted by UConn Active Minds
1100 flags representing college student suicide deaths will be placed on the lawn. UConn Active Minds will be present to offer information about mental health and suicide prevention.
9/22 Sunday 10am-12pm: HELPS Training location Student Union rm 303
hosted by Student Health and Wellness (SHaW), and USG
Helping Everyone Learn to Prevent Suicide (HELPS) training, open to students.
9/23 Monday 11am-2pm: Listen Louder at the Student Union
hosted by Dean of Students Office, Protect Our Pack, and SHaW
As part of suicide prevention week, mental health and the dean of students are teaming up to provide an interactive program for students to share brief stories with other students, connect, and meet others.
9/23 Monday 4pm-7pm: Wellness Café at Lou’s Café – Family Studies Bldg, 1st floor
hosted by USG
Join USG at the Wellness Café, play some games, relax, eat some snacks, and enjoy conversation!
9/24 Tuesday 2-4pm: Listen Louder: Start Write Now on Fairfield Way
hosted by S.H.O.T (Student Health Outreach Team)
Learn how journaling can help you listen better to yourself, and promote overall wellbeing.
9/24 Tuesday 6pm: “To Write Love on her Arms” film screening and discussion at Women’s Center Program Room
hosted by Women’s Center and SHaW
Starring Kat Dennings, this movie dramatizes the story behind the global TWLOHA movement.
9/25 Wednesday 11am-1pm: Community Healing through Music on Fairfield Way
hosted by Puerto Rican & Latin American Cultural Center (PRLACC)
PRLACC will be tabling to bring awareness through music and lyrics on current issues affecting the Latinx community.
9/26 – Thursday 5:30pm: Student Voices Panel at the African American Cultural Center Program Room
hosted by African American Cultural Center
At this panel discussion, hear moving stories from UConn students and learn how you can help!
9/26 – Thursday 7pm-9pm: Suicide Prevention Week Keynote Speaker Beth Macy - Dopesick: America’s Epidemic at the Jorgensen Center
hosted by SHaW, SUBOG, Journalism Department, and Student Activities
Beth Macy, author of Dopesick, explores how America's twenty-plus year struggle with opioid addiction started, how it spread from the inner-city to the distressed small communities in Central Appalachia to wealthy suburbs; and it’s heartbreaking trajectory that illustrates how this national crisis has persisted for so long and become so firmly entrenched. Through unsparing, yet deeply human portraits of the families and first responders struggling to ameliorate this epidemic, each facet of the crisis comes into focus. In these politically fragmented times, Beth Macy shows, astonishingly, that the only thing that unites Americans across geographic and class lines is opioid drug abuse. But in the end, Macy still finds reason to hope - and see’s signs of the spirit and tenacity necessary to build a better future for communities, families and those addicted.
Following the lecture will be an audience Q&A and book signing.
9/27 – Friday 1:15pm-2:15pm: International Students and Mental Health: Lunch and Discussion at ISSS in McMahon Rm 183
hosted by International Student & Scholar Services and SHaW
International students at U.S. colleges are facing mental health challenges at high rates, just like their American peers. However, they may be less likely than their American peers to seek help. In this facilitated discussion, we’ll explore the following questions: What is mental health, and how is it perceived and supported in different countries? What are the unique mental health needs of international students and scholars? How can you help someone who is struggling?
9/27 – Friday 3pm-5pm: Forest Bathing UConn Forest (meet at the Dairy Bar)
hosted by Asian American Cultural Center, and SHaW
Learn about the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, and join a guided meditation through the UConn Forest
9/28 Saturday Shuttle leaves South Garage at 8am, return by 1:30pm: Out of the Darkness Walk- Great River Park, 301-331 E River Dr - East Hartford, CT
hosted by SHaW, Active Minds, NAMI
Raise awareness in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
RESCHEDULED 10/3 – Thursday 12:30pm-1:45pm: Out-to-Lunch “Understanding Suicide Risks Among LGBT Veterans in VA Care” at the Rainbow Center Program Room
hosted by Rainbow Center
Dr. Joseph Goulet will discuss the research risk and protective factors related to LGBT Veterans’ risk for suicide in all gender, age, racial and ethnic groups.
Suicide Prevention Week 2018
- Field of Memories, hosted by UConn Active Minds
- Mindfulness Wheel, hosted by UConn Wellness & Prevention Services
- 9/20/18 Keynote Speaker Wade Davis hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Servicesand SUBOG
- 9/23/18 Forest Bathing, hosted by the UConn Asian American Cultural Centerand UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services
- 9/24/18 and 9/27/18 Community Story Board, hosted by UConn Community Standards and the Care Team
- 9/24/18 Mindfulness Practice: Meditation with the UConn Spring Valley Student Farm
- 9/24/18 “Lift the Mask” Film Screening and Panel Discussion, hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and the Quell Foundation
- 9/25/18 All the Feels: Creative Storytelling, hosted by Protect Our Pack and the Dean of Students
- 9/26/18 Project Semicolon: Your Story Isn’t Over Yet, hosted by Lambda Alpha Upsilon and the UConn Women’s Center
- 9/27/18 Out to Lunch Lecture “Mental Health Allyship” by Dr. Jennifer Petro, hosted by the UConn Rainbow Center
- 9/27/18 Stories of Gratitude, hosted by UConn International Student & Scholar Services
- 9/27/18 Student Voices Panel, hosted by the UConn African American Cultural Center
- 10/11/18 Research-focused lecture: "Social Disconnection as a Public Health Concern" by Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, sponsored by Counseling & Mental Health Services, InCHIP, and USG
- 10/11/18 Panel discussion and Q&A:"Lonely Campus: Social Connection in the Age of Digital Despair" by Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Gina Barrecca, Dr. Betsy Cracco, and students Alondra Marmolejos and Derek Pan. Sponsored by Counseling & Mental Health Services, InCHIP, and USG
- Field of Memories, hosted by UConn Active Minds
- “Madness in America” poster exhibition, developed by the Museum of DisABILITY History and hosted by the UConn Center for Students with Disabilities
- 9/21/17, “To Write Love on Her Arms” film screening, hosted by the UConn Women’s Center and the UConn Recovery Community
- 9/23/17, Out of the Darkness Walk with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, East Hartford CT. Hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and UConn Active Minds
- 9/24/17, Forest Bathing, hosted by the UConn Asian American Cultural Center and UConn College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources
- 9/25/17, Birds of Prey demonstration by A Place Called Hope, hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and UConn First Year Programs & Learning Communities
- 9/25/17, Mindfulness Wheel, hosted by UConn Wellness & Prevention Services
- 9/26/17, International Chat Group, hosted by UConn International Student & Scholar Services
- 9/26/17, Garden of Intentions, hosted by UConn Puerto Rican & Latin American Cultural Center and the UConn Spring Valley Student Farm
- 9/27/17, Out to Lunch Lecture “LGBTQ Identity Development: Trends, Issues, and Treatment Considerations” by Dr. Laura Saunders, hosted by the UConn Rainbow Center
- 9/27/17, Keynote Speaker Jamie Tworkowski (founder of To Write Love on Her Arms), hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and SUBOG
- 9/28/17, Student Voices Panel, hosted by the UConn African American Cultural Center
- 9/29/17, Maker Workshop: Connect through Making!, hosted by UConn First Year Programs & Learning Communities
- 4/21/18, Fresh Check Day
- Field of Memories, hosted by UConn Active Minds
- 9/26/16, Project Semicolon, hosted by the UConn Women’s Center
- 9/27/16, Planting Flowers of Joy, hosted by the UConn Spring Valley Student Farm
- 9/28/16, Out to Lunch Lecture “Our Place at the Table: The Coming Together of Spirituality & Sexuality to Save Lives” by Michael Reynolds MSW, hosted by the UConn Rainbow Center
- 9/28/16, Keynote Speaker Chamique Holdsclaw, “Mind/Game,” hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and SUBOG
- 9/29/16, Mindfulness Wheel, hosted by UConn Wellness & Prevention Services
- 9/29/16, Student Voices Panel, hosted by the UConn African American Cultural Center
- 4/22/17, Fresh Check Day
- Field of Memories, hosted by UConn Active Minds
- 9/23/15, Keynote Speakers Kevin Briggs & Kevin Berthia, “The Bridge Between Suicide & Life,” hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and SUBOG
- 9/30/15, Café con Leche, hosted by the UConn Puerto Rican & Latin American Cultural Center and UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services
- 10/1/15, Out to Lunch Lecture “Suicide in LGBTQQI Youth” by Dr. Richard Stillson, hosted by the UConn Rainbow Center
- 10/1/15, Student Voices Panel, hosted by the UConn African American Cultural Center
- 10/2/15, Nature’s Playlist: Finding Strength & Grounding through Natural Interactions, hosted by the UConn Spring Valley Student Farm
- 10/3/15, “Inside Out” film screening, hosted by UConn Counseling & Mental Health Services and SUBOG
- 4/23/16, Fresh Check Day